
Let's have a chat

So, a lot of photographers like to do a weekly post called 'Miscellaneous Monday,' or something cute and catchy along those lines. It's a get-to-know-me post where anything and everything is worth mentioning. One of the reasons I blog is for my clients to be able to see what I've been working on and what inspires me--to see what makes me me. I honestly feel that by getting to know me better, you'll feel so much more comfortable when you're in front of my camera. I've become an old friend you hired to come along for the fun, and create some amazing art of you and your new spouse. :)

I've toyed with doing a blog feature like this, but well, I think I'm just a little too boring! My life is simply not exciting enough to post weekly features on. I'd much rather inspire you with beautiful imagery because that's what I do. With so many of you not in my area though, hey...let's have a chat right now! Or whenever we feel like it. I'll post a few items on my mind and you can laugh, leave comments on what's going on in your world, or whatever you feel like doing. Go get your coffee a warmer and let's discuss some random stuff.

Probably on the front of my mind right now is my new office! Zac and I spent a few days this past week 'reworking' our house. I used to encompass our extra bedroom on the main floor, but I'm now happily relocated to our lower level. We painted, disassembled, reassembled, and I'm all settled in for the most part. I'll post a few shots when I finally decide what I'm going to hang where, and which gallery wraps to order!

My BFF Kami and goddaughter Halle came up to visit me, and we had fun partying 2-year old style! This includes jumping/falling over on 'Auntie Cowlie's' bed, opening and closing drapes, watching Elmo and princess DVDs, and a few other fun activities. There was a lot of talking about princesses--mainly Princess Aurora. I can't describe just how cute it is to hear a little pixie voice talking to you in strange tongues about 'Chompoos.' The highlight of the trip was definitely when we were in the toy store and her eyes fell upon a farm play set, where she then exclaimed, "Oh......my......gooooddnneeessssss!" Cuteness overload!! I love you girls--thanks for another great visit. :)

Have I ever mentioned that Halle looks a lot like Kingston Rossdale?? This was the first image that popped up on Google Images, so I'm going to go with it -

Kind of freaky, right??

It's been an interesting past week with President Obama beginning his term. I happened to catch a poll on World News Tonight regarding his approval rating and what people thought about "the work he was doing in office so far." Seriously!? He's hasn't been in the White House long enough to warm up his seat! His daughters looked absolutely adorable at the inauguration, didn't you think? And Michelle's dress that night..."Oh......my......gooooddnneeessssss!"

I've been very busy even though I'm technically approaching my semi-off-season. (It's really not an off season, but with it being cold and hideous outside, I'm simply not shooting as much as I do during the rest of the year!) I've been working on amazing new sample albums and talking with some awesome new couples for 2009 and 2010. Many of you are in the Milwaukee-area and I can't wait to make it down and meet up with you!

I hope everyone is staying warm! These are from a recent project I worked on -