
2009 thank yous, among other things...

I don't even really know where to begin writing this post. In the past year, my business has boomed exponentially along with all of the incredible people, emotions + love I've been able to photograph. In a time where so many people are experiencing hardship, I've had to turn business away time and again because I simply can't fit it in. It's a humbling feeling to receive that kind of response to my work; I know a simple 'thank you' isn't quite enough, but thank you, thank you, thank you to my clients who continue to gush to friends, and to all of you for valuing my point of view and trusting me with your memories and moments. I love you all!

Now for the 'among other things' part of this post! If you've been on my website or referred a wedding to me for next year, you know that I am no longer taking on new weddings for 2010. This is with good reason. (I am not getting lax!) Being a professional photographer entails a lot more than what most people believe you actually spend time doing. { This is a perfect breakdown of the common misconceptions of a photographer's life vs. what we actually do to run a successful business! } I've lightened my workload for next year because Zac and I found out some amazing news this fall...

We are having a baby!!!!!!!!!!!

We are SO excited (to say the least), and I want to be able to give my family 100%  while giving my clients 100% as well. So even though my passions have not changed toward photography, I feel a slowdown is necessary for me to find a balance in my new life.

As of this past Thursday, this balance has become of even higher importance. Zac and I went in for our 5-month ultrasound to see how everything was progressing with Baby and were hit yet again with some pretty crazy news...

We are having TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This came as a TOTAL and complete shock! We had no inkling, no idea, no anything that there could possibly be two little ones in there. I never showed signs of carrying multiples either, or had any test results that indicated anything differently. We've been on a wild ride since getting this news but we could not be happier and we feel so, so blessed! So without further ado, meet our babies + check out their first grainy black and white image! P.S. Baby B is a boy, and Baby A is a girl!!!! One of each!!!!!!! :)

I hope everyone's holidays are as wonderful as our holidays have been so far! I will try to keep my blog on the professional side, but I'm pretty over the moon about having twins so I will definitely be sharing more of them in 2010. :)  Merry Christmas + Happy New Year!


Anna Page Photography said...

Yaaayy!! Congratulations! Twins, oh my! :) I'm so happy for you.

andy stenz said...

congrats carly! that's very exciting news (and plenty of work for you!) blessings!

Jamie M Swanson said...

Congratulations, Carly! I'm sure you'll love being a mom! I certainly do. It teaches you to love more than you ever thought you could. Yay!

Anda said...

Congratulations, Carly! So excited for you!! And no need to keep your blog completely professional -- the personal posts are way more fun :)

cdelong said...

Congratulations Carly!!! Ben and I are so happy for the two of you (soon to be the four of you)! You are so blessed to be having twins, and one of each! (my ideal situation).. congrats congrats!! can't wait to see pictures of the cuties in the spring! Rest up in the mean time :)

KMStrunsee said...

I still cannot believe you are having twins! TWINS!!! Let the cuteness ensue!

Sarah Gerbers said...

carly, i am so excited for you! wonderful news!!!!! welcome to mommyhood! i love to follow your work. you are so incredibly talented! i wish you nothing but the best blessings there is to have.

Carly McCray Photography said...

Thank you for all the well-wishes, everyone! :)

Rebecca said...

a little belated but, wow, warmest congrats! one of my best friends just had twins--double the love!